Flu Vaccine at Fairgate Medical

In winter, seasonal flu becomes a serious health concern for those at risk. Here in Ireland, we provide free flu vaccines to all vulnerable people.

In winter, seasonal flu becomes a serious health concern for those at risk. Here in Ireland, we provide free flu vaccines to all 'at risk' groups of people.

The HSE is also providing the flu vaccine as a nasal spray to all 2 to 17 year olds free of charge at their GP practice.
Do I need a flu vaccine?
Flu is highly contagious, typically from October to April in Ireland. It can make you very ill.

You are in an at-risk group and qualify for a free flu vaccine if you are:

  • Age 65 and older
  • Age 2 to 17
  • A healthcare worker
  • Pregnant
  • Living in a nursing home or other long-term care facility
  • Living with a health condition that puts you at higher risk of flu such as diabetes, heart, kidney, liver, lung or a neurological disease
  • Living with someone who has a health condition that puts them at higher risk of flu
  • A carer for someone who has a health condition that puts them at higher risk of flu.
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40
  • Have haemoglobinopathy
  • Have Downs Syndrome
  • Have a weakened immune system (due to disease or treatment)
  • In regular contact with pigs, poultry or waterfowl.

Children are twice as likely to get the flu as adults (and then pass it on to vulnerable people), so it is important to bring them to your doctor for a flu vaccine nasal spray, free for those aged 2 to 17.
Must I get the flu vaccine again?
Yes, you need a annual flu vaccine. The flu virus mutates every year, so a new vaccine is developed every year to combat the new strain. A flu vaccination gives you and those around you the best chance of avoiding becoming ill.  

Book your appointment as soon as possible, as there is usually high demand.

Does the flu vaccine hurt?
We know no-one likes injections, but our highly skilled healthcare teams are trained to minimise any discomfort, honest!  Children and teenagers aged 2 to 17 are vaccinated with a nasal spray, so no needles for them at all!
The jab itself takes seconds, but we do ask all our brave flu vaccine patients to stay with us for 15 minutes afterwards, just to make sure you don't have any nasty reaction. This rarely occurs but we like to look after you.
I want a flu vaccine
You may not be eligible for a free flu vaccine, but you can still have one. Availability for over 18s may be limited by stock shortages, so please book your vaccine as soon as possible, as we give priority to patients who book an appointment.  Since some patients do have an adverse reaction to vaccines, we would ask all our patients to come to us for flu vaccines – we are well equipped to look after you if needed.

When you attend your doctor for a flu vaccine, it is recorded in your patient file alongside all your medical records so please attend your GP practice for all vaccines so that we have a complete view of your medical history.

HSE guidelines on the Flu Vaccine 

Corporate vaccinations available - contact us for details.

Practices that also provide Flu Vaccine