Diabetes Treatment Limerick at Ennis Road Medical

Over 220,000 people in Ireland are living with Diabetes and it is said the average Diabetic has the condition for five years before being diagnosed.
We provide routine screening for and management of Diabetes at Ennis Road Medical Centre. We are also fortunate to have a visiting Diabetes Nurse Educator whom we would encourage our patients to make an appointment with if they are having trouble managing their diabetes. We can also arrange dietician and podiatry appointments for both our private and medical card holding patients. Diabetes Ireland has an excellent website with further information atĀ www.diabetes.ie.

We would also encourage our diabetic patients to have regular specialised eye checks for diabetic related eye disease. The National Diabetic Retinal Screening Programme is a government funded screening programme for people with diabetes aged 12 years and older. more information can be found hereĀ http://www.diabeticretinascreen.ie

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