Insurance medicals at Fairgate Medical

Sometimes an insurance company may need you to be medically assessed when deciding on terms of your cover. At Centric Health, we handle it all.

Clinician with chart in a session with a young woman

Sometimes an insurance company may need you to be medically assessed when deciding on terms of your cover. At Centric Health, we handle it all.
What is an insurance medical?
Insurance medicals comprise a variety of tests as specified by your insurance company, to assess your current health.  
The insurance company decides which tests are required and asks us to complete these with you. On booking your medical, we will advise you of any tests we have been asked to undertake by the insurance company.
If you have any concerns regarding the need for a medical, or specific tests, you should query these with your broker or insurance company before attending for your medical.
What happens at an insurance medical?
You will be asked questions about your personal and family medical history; the doctor will check your height, weight, blood pressure, lung function, chest, heart, abdomen, reflexes, eyes and ears. The examination will take between 20-30 minutes depending on the tests required.
Tests may include:
-   HIV test (test carried out in a laboratory)
-   blood biochemistry, including cholesterol level, blood sugar level, liver function tests (LFTs), kidney function etc.
These reports are confidential and are only issued on receipt of a signed consent form from the patient.

Practices that also provide Insurance medicals